Shanghai Workshop: 15-17/04/19

We held our first workshop in Shanghai 15-17 April 2019, hosted by Tongji University.

  • 15-16 April: Workshop
  • 17 April: Visits to Creative Industries in Shanghai (tbc)

Workshop Activities

Workshop activities included:

  • Map of AI for Music: An initial survey of uses of AI in digital music research and the Music Industries to generate a draft map of the landscape across UK and China. Emphasis was placed on identifying the similarities and differences between the UK and China in order to identify partnership opportunities.
  • Develop partnerships for funding: Small groups of participants developing outline plans for large joint research proposals in the area of AI for music in the Music Industry and to more widely in other Creative Industries such as Screen Industries, Theatre and Performing Arts, and Gaming.
  • Tours of local digital music research and Creative Industry facilities and companies to provide national context for the workshop activities.

Download pdf description of workshop: [English pdf]  [Chinese pdf]